Friday, March 4, 2011

Not to Cast Stones...but Good Lord!

I try my hardest not to be judgmental...especially since the touchy topic of this blog entry is weight...but GOOD LORD! I am overweight, or as my Hispanic friend puts it, "a curvy chica".
I have consistently gained and lost wight my entire life. Usually this is sparked by emotional hazard.
When I am sad I can't eat a measly carrot stick. I cry and puke and wallow.
When I am in love however, or just satisfied in general, I tend to plump up like a spring chicken!
My bad.
But in my defense, I have been a vegetarian for well over four years now and I exercise regularly.
My main diet consists of nuts/granola, berries, dried fruits, vegetable/herb purees, tofu, legumes and my personal favorite...cheese and sesame wheat crackers.
I work in at least a 30 minute cardio most days on top of working twenty-five hours a week and taking ten credits at the community college. (I have lazy days too)
Oh and don't forget being married, a full-time position!(not in a nasty way- I just get overloaded) :)


Despite my efforts I cannot seem to lose any of my "lovely lady lumps". I actually have gained five pounds since actively attempting to slim down a bit.
So today when I pop into Sam's Club to pick up some groceries and find a women just a little larger than me and her boyfriend who was quite a bit larger than both of us kind of pissed me off that their cart was full of Rice Krispy Treats, two boxes of bulk Pixie Stix, Ritz crackers, Fudge ice cream and of course Cheetos.
Why do I work my ass off to not work any of my literal ass off?
Ugh...she wasn't much larger than I and I wanted her to be enormous.
They aren't even trying to be a little healthy and I feel bashed knowing I am her size...I look like I eat Cheetos and Pixie Stix.
For example, my darling step-sister Alex is ninety pounds sopping wet and only and inch shorter than I...but she eats two cheeseburgers and a liter of regular Dr.Pepper all to herself in one sitting- ALL THE TIME.
Not fair.
What's the point...I feel like you should look the way you eat.
Then my husband would look like Fat Albert and I would be Jessica Alba...size wise anyways!
He is much more handsome than I could ever hope to be! (I guess my luck isn't completely mute)


  1. I feel your pain! I do... do you drink soda or any kind? Stopping pop will do the trick! Even if it's diet... stop drinking soda. If you don't drink soda then... make sure you are eating enough, there is a delicate balance, you have to find yours! Good luck

  2. Oh I definitely know how you feel, I have had the same problem since I quite TKD. Plus guys lose weight EASY, well at least compared to girls. I was thinking the same as Jen though, pop/soda adds quite a bit of pounds, as can (but not always) alcohol. Luckily I love the taste of slimfast, and when we get good produce I eat a ton of fruit (which is sounds like you do too). Good for you going vege, I am nearly there, only have chicken once in a while. Wish you luck, I know I need some too. ;P
