Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dress Code...

I start my new job at Starbucks Coffee tomorrow! I have never worked as a barista and I am kind of nervous about learning the equipment and dealing with high stress situations- which I haven't really encountered anything like a drive-through in a long time in my job history. In fact when I worked at Taco Bell for a month I SUCKED.  Props to you fast food workers, you are awesome. Memorizing weird abbreviations for foods and making them in under two minutes. Bravo! Listening to some snatch cuss you out over a two dollar quesadilla mishap without losing your cool? Congrats! But I did not cut the mustard.
But I'm really not that nervous about anything as much as the dress code!

1.) I hate collared shirts. I think they look too masculine on me and coupled with my beak of a nose I look like a "butch lesbian" least what I imagine that stereotype to look like. No offence to "manly" lesbians. Go Love! But not my style AT ALL. I can't pull one off- I asked and they do permit turtle necks...too bad not a single store I've been to thus far sells a turtle neck for under fifty bucks that isn't awful/my size. 

2.) Khaki pants...when I think of khaki pants I think of a 40 yr old male going on vacation to Hawaii, or at least dressing like he is. Usually accompanied by a flower/surfing/post cards printed COLLARED shirt.That or a golfing man. Both examples of men. Ugh. I have seen a few gals pulling off khaki pants but NOT ME. I feel like I look bloated and they are too close/ too far from skin color- it's an odd color. EW!

3.) Black pants. I'm partially ok with that. I really don't understand why hardly any workplaces allow blue jeans anymore. The baby boomers are in retirement-NO ONE CARES. Plus, EVERYONE looks better in blue jeans. They don't even specify a type-it can be skinny or whatever so I know it's not about offending anyone. They just don't want blue jeans because of a ridiculous notion set decades ago. Maybe I should wear high heels while I vacuum too!

4.)Brown OR Black close-toed shoes. Excuse me when did brown get thrown in? So now I am left with man shirt, black pants and black shoes. :C Funeral much?
5.) NO Tattoos. Hmm. So now I have to put a band-aid on my hand. IT'S A PEACE SIGN FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! Who does that offend and do we really want to give that Nazi coffee anyhow? NO. 

6.) Hair pulled into a pony tail. hair is in that awkward stage right now where it's too long to leave down-too short to pull up high enough to look good. UGLY. So now little hairs will be slipping out of my pony tail all day making me look like a dork.

7.)Green apron. LOVE IT! Something to hide behind. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ew! Ew! EW! GeT iT oFf!!!

If you've had the pleasure of reading my blogs for awhile-which let's be honest, this blog isn't popular enough to have many followers. For example, my mother (also known as "your biggest fan" and "delusional woman with four year olds the size of twenty year olds"), doesn't read my blog. BUT if you have you know Molly, my elderly cat, has accidents around my apartment from time to time.
Every once in awhile, like a minute ago, I will be on the go doing some house hold task like picking up dirty dishes from the living room or other various areas that Kyle and I end up studying and bringing them to the sink where they can be further neglected for another week- When suddenly I will step on something unusually squishy.
At this point my body freezes and my mind screams, "Ew, Ew, EW! GeT iT oFf!!!" Automatically assuming of course that I have a giant pile of poo on my foot. Thankfully this usually turns out to be a bundled up sock that escaped the laundry bin; other times it turns out to be the edge of a slipper or a plushy toy mouse.
But now, it's a genuine turd.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Breath In-Breath Out

Back from "vacationing" in Washington and Oregon. I told Kyle how morbid it is to be that we have only spent twenty eight days total the past two years HOME. Can you believe how many students leave out of state for college every year? Brave is all they are! How many human beings spend the majority of their year away from family, friends, and their favorite things, all left behind for education?
This had all better be worth it someday! (OK I know it will be)
The oddest feeling overwhelms me whenever I go home, it's like I've been holding my breath all year and matter what plans I've made for the holiday turn sour-everything is going to be alright for once.
No one is going to say my clothes are weird.-they've seen better and worse!
No one is going to make a face at me when I remind them I am a vegetarian.-they take me grocery shopping to make sure I feel at home and am well fed!
No one is going to miss my party-because everyone in the room LOVES me.
Yes once a year everyone in the room loves me. They would give me a kidney, they would let me cry on their shoulder, they would pick me up from the mall if my car died.
I am so grateful for my family and friends! I miss them so much already-I miss fitting in already.
School starts tomorrow and maybe I will meet another Erin Paulson or another Nickala Squire.
But if I don't I will know deep down that I do fit in somewhere, and that I am loved, and that in the grand scheme of things I am ok.