Friday, September 23, 2011

Honorable Service?

What does it mean to have honorably served our country? I'm not being sarcastic, I really wanna know! I met a guy today in the Inkwell club and he was going on about PTSD and counseling and being scared of finding out whom he really is and if he can handle himself. He mentioned soldiers commiting suicide and his disabilities or injuries and recounted a few stories about children with guns and grenades...but that he wouldn't take away a minute of it. He voluntarily enlisted and would do it again. He was so proud!
Am I missing something? Last time I checked suicide, ptsd, and being chased through the sand by a 7 yr old with an AK-47 didn't sound like the poster child of a good time. So yeah I need to hear that missing piece, I need to hear what about all of that made you feel worthy of pride and honor. Where was the good? What did you do for our country? Better yet what did you do for their country? Simply following orders? Avenging the death of those murdered on 9/11 by murdering others?
I don't get it...
I called my friend Ashley, she went to West Point and she told me the most worthwhile moment was when her team sheltered a group of small Afghanistanian children to their school, because the route was riddled with bullets... I thought, "Hey that's pretty amazing, you gave those children an opportunity to education in an area where the walk was the hardest part of getting the grade."

So solders, when you speak of your service, why don't you enlighten us citizens of what you are proud of. Because from where I'm standing, war just sounds like families losing families. But that can't be true.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Though when I think of an honorable soldier I think of the ones who risk their lives to save a stray dog or mangy cat. <3
    Yeah I know, I'm totally predictable. :P
