Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Take a hint...

Why on earth did I want a science degree in the first place?!
I guess you don't always see things clearly when you are in the situation, as you do when you are watching the car crash.
(and NO that is not a reference to Jersey Shore!!!)
My friend pointed out some very intriguing personal facts last week.
All of which pertained to my degree selection...
1. I am awful at math...
2. I can't remember a thing from high school science
3. I day dream way too much
4. I read all the time
5. I look up words in the dictionary for kicks
6. I enjoy peer edit, thoroughly
7. I keep a daily journal
8. If all of my classes were english related I would have a  4.0 gpa...
9. I love people
10. I love to talk
11. I was a teacher's assistant to all of my english teachers in high school...

Fuck It...I am changing my major.
I will fight until MLA is my second language and speech is considered "me time"....

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! The world needs more English majors... It leads no where , it's good to be dumb, it allows us to love something for no reason. That's the best kind of love.
